Sarkari Disha

HSSC Computer Operator Online Form 2017

Posted 28 August 17, 3:08 am

HSSC Computer Operator Online Form 2017

(Haryana Staff Selection Commission Various Post Recruitment 2017)

(Total: 1399 Post)

Important Dates:

Start Date of Application: 21 August 2017

Closing date online application: 20 September 2017

Closing date for deposit of fee: 25 September 2017

Admit Card Available: Update Soon

Exam Date: Update Soon

Application Fees:

General (male / female): Rs. 150/-

Female Haryana resident of only: Rs. 75/-

SC / BC / EBPG Haryana State only: Male- Rs. 35/- | Female- Rs. 18/-

PH / Ex-Serviceman of Haryana: Exempted (No Fees)

Make the payment ‘online’ Net Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card or ‘Offline’ by Bank Challan

Age Limit:

Minimum 17 Years And Maximum 42 Years

(Age Relaxation will be provided as per Govt. Rules)

Education Qualification:
Cat. No. Post Name Vacancy Education Qualification
1. Computer Instructor 199 AICTE recognized Bac.helor degree in Computer Engineerirry/ Information Technologr or its equivalent from AICIIE recogni:zed institute/uniyersity or Institutions established by Ministry of HumLan Resource Development (MFIRD), Governmerrt of India, on full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/teaching experience;
2. Instructor Employ ability Skill 92 i) Full time , regular mode Bachelor degree of Business liidministration (BBA) and Mraster of Business Administration (MBA) from recognized university;ii) Hindi / sanskrit upto Matric standard or higher education;
3. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Instructor 122 i) AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in comRu!e_1_ Engineering/ Information Technolory o:r its equivalent from AICTE recognized institute/university or InstiLtutions established by Mini.stry of Human Ilesource Development (MI{RD), Government of IndiaL, on full time legular mode basis, with one year practical/teaching experience
4. Craft instructor (women) Hair & skin care 18 Full time, reguiar mode Erachelor Degree in Beauty cmlture/ Beauty culture & Hair Dre_ssing fnrm any institute/university recognized by Nrational Institute of Fashion Technolory NIFT)/ All India council of Technical Education/ Haryana State Board of Technical Ilducation with one year practical I teaching e:xperience
5. Craft instructor (women) Hair & skin care 19 i) National Trade Certifrcate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Hair & skin care with craft Instructor Training course (cITc) or Teaching Trzrining course (TTc) in Haiir & skin care with five years practical/ teaLching experience including training period;ii) lHindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher educatio:n
6. Craft instructor (women) Dress Making 22 i) Full time, regular mode BaLchelor Degree in Apparel/ Dlress Design/ Ga:rment Manufacturing frorn any institute / university rrecognized by Naljonal Institute of Fashion Technologr (NIFT)/ All India council of Technical Education/ Har5raner state Board of Technical Education with one year practical / teaching exlrerience
7. Craft instructor (women) Dress  Making 22 j) National rrad,e certifrcate/ National Apprenticeship certifrcate in t)utting & Sewing/ Dress Making certificate with craft Instructor ifraining course (CITC) or Teaching Training course (TTc) in Dress Ivlaking/ TWo years Fashion Technologz with five 5,s41s practical/ teaching experience training period; i:i) Hindi/ sanskrit upto Matric standard or higher education
8. Craft instructor (women) Cutting & Sewing 20 i) Full time, regular mode rlachelor Degree in Apparel/ Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing frorn any institute/ university recogn aed. by National Institute of Fashiorn Technologr (NIFT)/ All India council of Technical Education/ Haryana state Board of Technical Ilducation with one year practical/teaching e:rperience
9. Craft instructor (women) Cutting & Sewing 20 i) National trade certificalr:/ National Apprenticeship certifrcate in cutting & sewing/ Dress Maldng with craft I:nstructor Training course (crrc) or Teacher Training course (TTc) in cutting & sewing/ Dress Making/ Fashion Technolo5xr with five years practictalf teaching experience including training F,eriod; ii) I{indi/ Sanskrit. upto Matric standard or higher education
10. Language Teacher Hindi 19 i) Itull time, regular mode Baa:,helor degree in Arts (BA) passed with 6o% marks in Hindi subject and MA in Hindi from a recognized Universityii) B.Ed with Hindi Subject.iii) Hindi/sanskrit upto Matriic standard or higher education
11. Craft Instructor Health Sanitary Inspector 05 i) National Trade Certificate/ National Apprenticeship regllificate in Hrealth Sanitary Inspector; ii)Five years practical/teaching experience in concerned trade from recognized Institution/ Industrial concern covered under r{,pprenticeship Act, including training period; iiill Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matr:ic Standard or higher education;
12. Craft Instructor Health Sanitary Inspector 05 Bachelor degree in Ayurve,dic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS) from a recognized institution/university
13. Language Teacher English 23 il Full time, regular mode B:rchelor degree in Arts (BA) peissed wit]n 6oyo rrLarks in English subject and MA in English from a recognized University.ii) B.Ed with English Subjecl-.iii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education
14. Craft Instructor Stenography Hindi 19 National Trade. Certificatr:/ National Apprenticeship Certifrcate in Slrorthand Hindi trade passied with minimum 7O% o Marks and CITC in steno HindiShorthand at a speed olf 80 words per minute and 15 words per minute transcriptions thereof and 3Owords per minute in t’yping in Hindi
15. Craft Instructor Stenography Hindi 17 .Full time regular mode bachelor degree with minimum 60% marks in Hi.ndi subject from a recognize,d University.
16. Craft Instructor Stenography English 22 i) National rrade certificate/ National Apprenticeship certifrcate with minimum 707o marks with CITC in Steno (English);ii) shorthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and 15 words per minute transcriptions thereof and 40 words per minute typing in English.
17. Craft Instructor Stenography English 22 i) Bachelor degree with minirnum 60% marks in English subject from a recognized University
18. Craft Instructor (women) Computer Aided Embroidery 08 i) Full time, regular mode Bachelor Degree in Apparel/D:ress Design/ Garment Manufacturing/ Fa.shion technologr from mJ,r recognized. institute/ university recogni:zed by National Institute of Fashion Tec.hnologr(NlFT)/ All India council of rechnical Education rrith one year Pra,:tical/ teaching experience,
19. Craft Instructor (women) Computer Aided Embroidery 08 i) National rrade certificaLte /National Apprenticeship certificate in computer Aided Embroidery vrith craft Instructor Training course (CITC) or Teacher Training course (TTc) in computer Aided Embroidery/ Ennbroidery with Five year Practical/teaching experience including treLining period: Ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matr.ic Standard or higher educati
20. Craft Instructor (Women) (Embroidery and needle work) 08 i) Full time, regular mode lJachelor Degree in Apparel/Dress Design/ Garment Manufacturing/ frorn any institute/ university :recognized by National Institute of Fashion Technologr(NlFT)/ All Indiia Council of Technical Education/ HaryarL:r State Board of Technical ErCucation with one year Practical/ teaching e:iperience.
21. Craft Instructor (Women) (Embroidery and needle work) 09 i) National Trade Certifica.te /National Apprenticeship Certificate in Embroidery and Needle work with Craft Instructor Trai.ning Course (CIlfC) or Teacher Training Course (TTC) in Embroidery and Needle work/two years Fashion Technologr with five years Practical/teaching experience including training p,eriod;ii) lHindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.
22. Craft Instructor (Women) Fashion  Technology 03 Full time, regular mode Erachelor Degree in Apparel/JDress Design/ Gzrrment Manufacturing/Fzrrshion Technologz from any institute/ university recognized by Natikrnal Institute of Fashion Technologr(NlFT)/ Al.t India council of rechnLicar Education/ Haryana state Board of Technical Education with one year practical/ teaching expe,rience.
23. Craft Instructor (Women) Fashion  Technology 04 National Trade Certificerl.e /National Apprenticeship Certificate in Fashion Technologr with Crzrft Instructor Training Course (CITC) or TeeLcher Traiping Course (TTC) in Fashion Technologr wiith five years Pra.ctical/ teaching experience including training period; ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Meitric Standard or higher education
24. Craft Instructor Architectural Assistant 05 AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineering / Technolory or its equivalent in Architecture frorn AICTE recognized institution/ university or Institutions established by lrlinistry of Human Resource Development (MFIRD), Government of India,, on full time regular mode basis, with one yea:r practical/ teaching experie:nce
25. Craft Instructor Architectural Assistant 05 National rrade certificat,e/ National Apprenticeship certificate in Architectural Assistant with crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in rellevant tradb with five years practical/ teaching experiernce including trerining period;
26. Instructor Millwright Mechanic (Electrical/ Electronics) 15 ,AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineenng / Technologr or its equLivalent in Electrical/M,echatronics/Electronics liom AICTE recrcgnized institution/ universrity or Institutions established by Ministry of l{uman Re.source Developm,ent (MHRD), Government of India, on full time regular mode, basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
27. Instructor Millwright Mechanic (Electrical/ Electronics) 16 National’Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship certificate in Electrician/Electronics/Insitrument Mechanic with crzrfts instructor Training course (cITc) in relevant trade with five years practical/ teaching experience includin5; training period;
28. Instructor Millwright  Mechanic (Mechanical) 33 AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineenng I Technologr or its equLivalent in Mechanical/Merr:hatronics/ Instrumentation from AICTE recrcgnized institution/ universrity or Institutions establisherl by Ministry of l{uman Resource Developm,ent (MHRD), Government of India, on full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching e,xperience.
29. Instructor Millwright  Mechanic (Mechanical) 33 National rrade certificater/ National Apprenticeship certificate in MiJllwright Mechanic/Mecharnic Machine Tool Maintenance with crafts instructor Training courrse (CITC) in relevant trade udth five years preLctical/ teaching experience including training period;
30. Craft Instructor Wireman 38 AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineering I Technologr or its equlvalent in Electrical from IICTE recognized institution/ university or Institutions established by Mi:nistry of Human Resource JDevelopment (MHRD), Government of India, ,cn full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
31. Craft Instructor Wireman 38 National Trade certificater/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Wirreman with crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in relevant trad.e with five years practicall teac.hing experience irrcluding trairring period;
32. Craft Instructor Carpenter 31 AICTE recognized Bachelor in Engineeing I Technolory or its equrivalent in Architecture/ciivil from AICTE recognized institution/ university or Institutions esterblished by Ministry of Human Resource Develeprrlsnt (MHRD), Governnrent of India, on full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
33. Craft Instructor Carpenter 34 National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Carpenter with crafts instrucl.or Training course (CITC) in relevant trade with five years practical/ teaching experience including trai:ning period;
34. Craft Instructor Instrument Mechanic 07 AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineering I Technolory or its equivalent in Instrumentation / Ins’trumentation & Control/Electronics & Instrumenrtation from AICTE recognized institution/ university or Institutions established by MinListry of Human Resource D, (MHRD), Governnilent of India, on full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience.
35. Craft Instructor Instrument Mechanic 07 National Trade certificate:/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Insitrument Mechanic with crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in refu:vant trade with five years practical/ teaching experie:nce including training period
36. Craft Instructor Mechanic Refrigeration & Air- Conditioning 47 AICTE recognized Bachelor rlegree in Engineering I Technologr or its equ:ivalent in Mechanicall/Electrical/Refrigeratlon and Air conrditioning from AIcrE recognized institution/ urniversity or Institutions established by Mi:nistry of Human Resource JDevelopment (MHRD), Government of India, rrn full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
37. Craft Instructor Mechanic Refrigeration & Air- Conditioning 48 National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Mechanic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning with crzrfts instructor Training course (cITc) in :relevant trade with five years practical/ teaching experience including training period
38. Craft Instructor Plumbing 46 National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Plumber with crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in relevant trade with five years practicall teaching experience irrcluding training peniod;
39. Craft Instructor Plumbing 45 AICTE recognized Bachekrr degree in Engineering I Technolory or its equivalent in Architecture/ Civil from AICTE recognized institution/ uLniversity or Institutions es;tablished by Ministry of Human I?.esource t)evelopment (MHRD), Gove:i’nment of India, on full timre regular mode brasis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
40. Craft Instructor Painter General 27 National Trade certificatef National Apprenticeshipr Certilhcate in Painter(General) with crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in relevant firade with five years practir:aI/ teaching experience including training period;
41. Craft Instructor Painter General 26 AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineering I Technolory or its equivalent in Paint Technolrory/ Master’s Degree in Painting frorn AICTE r,ecognized institution/ university or Institutions established by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India., on full tlime regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
42. Craft Instructor Mechanic Diesel 23 AICTE recogn2ed Bachelor degree in Engineering I Terchnolory or its erquivalent in Mechanical/Automobile from AICTE recogniized institution/ university or Institutions esitablished by Ministry of Human Resource Drevelopment (MHRD), Govet’nment of India, on full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience’
43. Craft Instructor Mechanic Diesel 21 National rrade certificate/ National Apprenticeship certificate in Mechanic Diesel with crafts i:nstructor Training course (CITC) in relevalt trade with five years practical/ teaching experience including training period;
44. Craft Instructor Draughtsman Civil 52 AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Engineenng / TecJhnologi or its eqrrivalent in Architecture/civil from AIcrE recognized institution/ un:iversity or Institutions estutblished by Ministry of Human Resource De’irelopment (MHRD), Government of India, on full time regular mod.e basiis, with one year practical/ teaching experience.
45. Craft Instructor Draughtsman Civil 52 National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeshipr Certificate in tlraughtsman Civil with crafts instructor Training co’urse (CITC) in rr:levant trade with five years practical/ teaching experiience including training period;
46. Craft Instructor Draughtsman Mechanical 29 AICTE recogniz,ed, Bachelor degree in Engineeing /Terchnologr or its ecluivalent in Mechanical fro.m AICTE recognized institution/ university or Institutions established by Ministry of Human Resource Development (llvIHRD), Government of India, on full time regular mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
47. Craft Instructor Draughtsman Mechanical 29 National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Draughtsman(Mechanical) w.ith crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in relevant trade with five years practical/ teaching experience including training period
48. Craft Instructor Machinist 33 AICTE recognized Bachelor,degree in Engineering / TechLnologr or its equivalent in Mechanical/ prodluction/ Industrial/Fabric’ation from /ICTE recognized, institution/ university or Institutions established by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHIRD), Government of India, on full time regurar mode basis, with one year practical/ teaching experience
49. Craft Instructor Machinist 33 National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in Machinist with crafts instructor Training course (CITC) in relevant trade with five years practicarf teaching experience including training period
Pay Scale:

FPL -6 (35400-112400)(Pre revised 9300-34800+ 3600 GP)

Important Links:
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